You got Ducked with ‘Linda Duck’

Linda Duck represents the heroic traits of the #23SpringDucks such as self-sacrifice, strength, courage, grit, peacekeeping, and inspiration. It’s a guarantee that Linda Duck has saved your life and you didn’t even know it! That’s because she ate a radioactive rock as a duckling, thinking it was food, and gained superpowers from the alien rock. Since then, she’s harnessed her strength and saves the universe from intergalactic pearls which threaten our very existence every day. When you come across Linda Duck, she’s probably on a mission to save the day once again! When the universe it as balance, she spends her off time visiting her siblings and eating breakfast food for dinner.

If you find Linda Duck, take a once-in-a-lifetime selfie with the world’s greatest hero and contribute your note via our social media.

Unique Identifier: 04:6A:3E:3A:EF:6E:81

Our Social Media

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On behalf of #23SpringDucks, we ask that those Jeep Owners that got ducked with one of our special ducks continue the fun game by sharing their ducking experience via our social media pages. Each duck has a unique identifier to ensure #23SpringDucks authenticity and our goal is to see how far these ducks will fly!

Sharing the Jeep Love

Have an idea, want to spread joy or just looking to drop a note? Contact us below via e-mail or visit us on our social media links.