Milo Duck represents the super intelligence traits of the #23SpringDucks such as problem solving, flexible thinking, quick adapting, and an understanding of those things that we struggle to believe. He dreams of a world that we are not capable of comprehending as a typical human. Milo Duck loves technology and is looking for the next great innovation. He does have one problem that he still hasn’t solved, the ever lasting game of hide and seek with his sibling Alf Duck.
If you find Milo Duck, share your moment of innovative and highly complex duck experience via our social media. While you are there see if you can help Milo Duck with his hide and seek game.
Unique Identifier: 04:F0:0B:3A:EF:6E:80
Our Social Media
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
On behalf of #23SpringDucks, we ask that those Jeep Owners that got ducked with one of our special ducks continue the fun game by sharing their ducking experience via our social media pages. Each duck has a unique identifier to ensure #23SpringDucks authenticity and our goal is to see how far these ducks will fly!
Duck Gallery
Sharing the Jeep Love
Have an idea, want to spread joy or just looking to drop a note? Contact us below via e-mail or visit us on our social media links.